Tag Archives: Challenger

FEYNMAN – (What it meant to me).


The Significance of ——




                                    By Ottaviani & Myrick



                                            ——-       To Me


                   (Not a Book Report: just what it meant to me.)


            At first I was disappointed when I received the book for I thought I had ordered a serious biography of a scientist that I was aware of but only knew enough of to recognize his name and relate it to The Manhattan Project and the Challenger shuttle disaster.

            The disappointment was that the style of the book is like the newspaper comics. At least that is what it looked like at first glance. I had paid good money though and I had a perfect rainy afternoon to read so I got into it. It did not take long to see that there was going to be a reporting of substance about the man’s abilities and character. In fact it did not take long to realize that the concept of background pictures along with words of individuals being presented in the usual cloud boxes and fill in info being given in rectangular text boxes provided massive amounts of information in miniscule amounts of time: proving the cliché – “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

            I do not know if it is always the case but it seems that people that have a life which rises to the level of it becoming a biography start that life very early with focused interest of some kind. Continue reading

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